Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Learn to Dance?

A man and a woman performing a modern dance.
A man and a woman performing a modern dance. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dancing is one of those inescapable facts of life. It comes up over and over again in social situations. You might was well learn to do it. It's smoother sailing once you know how and it tends to score you points in lots of situations.

You don't have to reach a particularly high standard

You just need to be good enough that you can get on the dance floor, blend in with everyone else, not look like an idiot, and not feel too uncomfortable while you're there (lots of people are at least somewhat uncomfortable with dancing, that's why they have to get a few drinks and wait for some other people to be on the dance floor first.)
When someone (read: one or more girls) wants to dance with you, all they really want is that...
  • You are there with them
  • You are dancing with them
  • You are not dancing horribly
Being better than the minimum never hurts of course, but just knowing the basics will put you way ahead of all the non-dancers out there.